
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

More chess set pics

Thankfully I was wearing my safety flip flops

Playdoh sale at walmart
Did anyone else know that playdoh can be used as a mold for liquid metal?
I was sure suprised

Damn peacock

fire ant wooden puzzel decorated with, um, Fire



Tried to cast a chess set out of zinc.  figured since Andy from Shawshank could do it in 26 years i could do it in 1 day.  Wife got angry for many reasons.  
1.  Used bbq for melting metal.
2.  spilled molten zinc on the patio
3.  safety flip flops are not a real things.  
4.  chess pieces look like something mc escher woulda dreampt after being tortured by H.R. Giger.

Made a bug out of silverware. Wife got mad...
she had to eat soup with her  fingers

Local pub had an adult pine wood derby.

Wife got mad cause I didnt win.  ;)

Lost my wedding ring.
Made a new one out of a quarter.
shh...wife doesn't know yet.

Preserved flowers in plastic

This was my cactus flower.
we shall never speak of this again
I still cry when i think how horrible it turned out

xmas gift for a friend.
so shoulda filled it with 30 pieces of silver

Little red devil duck!

Built a wooden model plane.
Hated it.
Went and bought another kit and a coping saw.
Used both kits to make Don Karnage's plane.

Yard was infested with peacocks.
Tried to keep them away with blair witch

Friday, March 6, 2020


Philly Eagle with home made air brush

Bye Flutter with pen ink and acetone
Wife got mad...i used all our pens and nail polish remover 

Rhino with melted zinc armor

Battle Bunny

Drip crayon turtle
and above him is the boquet of 4-leaf clovers i picked for the wife.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Cactus blooms 1 night a year.  each year i try to preserve it.  This year I tried to infuse it with resin.  much the way they did with The Bodies Exhibit.  soaked it acetone till all moisture then submerged it in resin.  pumped out all the air so the acetone in the flower would boil at room tem and be replacded by the resin

in the end it was so ugly and mangled i cried

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

They say he carved it himself, from a bigger spoon.

Mythology is ripe with stories of special weapons that were custom forged and then given to someone.  Mjolnir was created by the dwarves and given to Thor.  ‘’Some watery tart’’ threw a sword at King Arthur.  However in real life sometimes the gods fail to deliver and a person has to make their own weapon.

Brian May performing with Lady Gaga 2011
Atop Buckingham Palace 2002
and Tie Your Mother Down at Live Aid 1985

It is the same guitar in each performance. 

Now, most guitar players are picky about their instrument.  The guitar Jimmi Hendrix wanted was not available left handed.  So he restrung it and played it upside down. Brian May at 17 years old was simply unable to find a guitar that worked for him, so the man that would go on to be ranked as one of the greatest guitar players of all time by Rolling Stone, built his own.  The guitar that he has used for over 30 years was homemade with parts from around the house.  He has even stated that the wood for the neck was taken from the fireplace at his father’s house.  The wiring and switches are all custom.

Now you would think that anybody who could build, maintain and play a guitar for multiple individual performances where millions watched live maybe could have done something a bit more scholastic with his talents.  Well, he did.  Brian May earned a PhD in Astrophysics in 2007 with his thesis entitled  A Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud.  

Is it just me or do his accomplishments make you wonder if there is maybe more I could be doing with my life. 
